Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Cutesy Pumpkin Decoration

All this one takes is construction paper, scissors, glue, staples, and a sharpie!
8 pieces of black paper, and 8 pieces of orange makes 32 hanging decorations.

In preparation for our Kiddie Costume Party, we needed some kid-friendly, festive decorations that weren't cheesy, ya know? So, I searched for some décor ideas that would be cheap from Oriental Trading Company, and came across these! So cute and charming! But I didn't want to pay for them, especially since they looked pretty easy to duplicate, and I didn't want ghosts, I wanted Jack-O-Lanterns!

So, take a piece of black construction paper and cut it into fours, do the same with a piece of orange paper too. Stack the orange papers up, and cut a pumpkin shape out of the stack, don't forget the stem! You will then have four pumpkin faces. Now stack your black paper and cut off the corners with scissors to round them out, but keep those little clippings, they will become your jack-o-lanterns' eyes! Now start at one end of your ovular(ish) stack of black paper, and cut a spiral. The thinner you cut your strips the longer your decorations will dangle! If you can, cut your spirals at different thicknesses, that way some hang longer, others shorter!

Glue those cute triangle eyes onto your pumpkin faces, then take your sharpie and draw your mouth in! Noses are optional, and you should have plenty of extra clippings to glue some noses on there! I chose to draw each mouth a little differently, matching what I felt the eyes were telling me. As for the last step, staple your stem onto the middle of your spiral, one pumpkin to one spiral cutout. Then just affix the other end to the ceiling! CUTE!!!

Making this a project with some little cuties would make it more personal, and that much more ADORABLE!

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