Thursday, July 18, 2013

DIYers, Get Ready To Launch...

Let’s start this story from the beginning, shall we? Almost three years ago, I had my first daughter, miss Kaylee, and a little over a year later came my second daughter, miss River. My life story represents a culmination of dilemmas that many young parents and college kids face--the want for social standing, for creature comforts, the ability to provide some hospitality, all whilest wrangling children, jobs, and schoolwork. Even with two babes and a new house, somehow, ends have to meet, bills have to be paid, and a higher quality of life must be sought through alternate means, because, let’s face it, who can pay for all of life’s finest things...really?! The solution? Do-It-Yourself! For EVERYTHING! (Okay, don’t DIY doctor visits please!! ...although more on that later!) I guess I seem to have it all together (although I would say that is very far from the truth!) because I have received many requests to start a blog, so here you have it: a blog and an Etsy shop filled with all the tips and treasures I can find to fill you with!

Let me divulge that I am a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM), and so we rely solely on my husband’s income to pay the bills. My goal as a SAHM is to SAVE enough money with my own thriftiness to act as a second income. It IS possible, mommies (and Stay At Home Dads), you just have to be willing to put in the time and effort!

We will explore, step by step, how to do it all. From buying and renovating the new home, to recipes and a complete spreadsheet of cost effective shopping, and furthermore with everyday things that don’t require a new house that needs fixing! There is always an alternate way to get the things you want, and here I will teach you how. I am always receptive to new ways to do things, new DIY ideas, so please leave your tips or topic ideas in a comment, and who knows, you may just get featured in a future post!

I would love to hear what itches at your mind, what bears the question, “how can I do this more inexpensively?!” and, “how can I make this project look professionally done?” I would also appreciate a concise description of what you are looking for in a blog, if you were to subscribe to one! I only want to help you enrich your life, so I would like to make sure I hit all of the aspects you desire so that you can utilize your time doing those DIY projects!

Cheers to fancy and frugal!

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